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My tips to motivate others at workplace

Motivation is not limited to living life or similar stuff.


By running my own business i find it very challenging to motivate others like I am motivated. Especially when its not their business on the line and they are just getting paid to do a job!

There are many other small things associated with it. It does not matter where you are, all you need is motivation to perform better. At your workplace, you will find many people getting discouraged to work. Being a colleague or manager, it is your responsibility to motivate them and help them to regain their confidence back. It might sound very tough to achieve this but in reality it is not. You just need to speak to them in order to motivate them. Here is how you can motivate people at your workplace.

Here are my tips to help you motivate others:


  1. Discuss with them

It is very much required to understand their problem in order to give them any suggestion. You should speak with them with ease and start a discussion. However, I would suggest not to jump to the topic straightway instead develop your discussion gradually to make him comfortable.


  1. Be friendly And Approachable



It is very important to be friendly with them in order to discuss their problems. Remember no one would agree to open up with you unless you are at the certain level of friendship with them. It might take some time as well. But make sure you do not hurry to talk about the problem just like that. It might not get no results and might embarrass the person as well. I have seen people becoming too frank while discussing. It is not a good option either. You should show the respect towards the other person.


  1. Share your experience


Make sure you discuss your past experience with them. Tell them about the situations you have faced and how you overcame it. Make sure it is in relevance to his or her problems. The irrelevant discussion might just irritate the person you are talking to.


  1. Give your suggestions

 Your suggestions will be welcome only when you have had a fruitful discussion. Giving suggestions without even knowing the problem is immature and unnecessary. So, make sure your suggestions make enough sense to the person you are talking to. Also, you must understand that you are making valid points. While drawing any suggestion make sure that you don't say anything blunt. Diplomacy is the best possible way to convince the other about your points. Even if the person is making clear mistakes, you must not say him on his face.


  1. Do not disclose to others

 Your suggestions and the problem you have shared to each other are not disclosed. The main aim of motivating the other person is to inject confidence and sharing the details to others may just result in the opposite to him or her. So, if you are looking to build the self confidence in him or her then respect the privacy. It will also give the much required trust on you.

You should always be ready to take up the responsibility to motivate others. It also motivates you in other way and give a lot of self-satisfaction. I also offer amazing coaching services to help you and your team reach the level you desire.
